
A Heartfelt Thank You to All Our Volunteers


National Volunteer Week, April 18th - 24th, 2021, pays tribute to the millions of Canadian volunteers who give their time and energy to improve the lives of others. This week, the Deep River and District Hospital (DRDH) would like to honour the volunteers who have continued to show their dedication to supporting our community, staff, patients, and residents from afar with their acts of kindness and generous contributions.

Although volunteers have not physically been present at the organization over this past year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, they have continued to play important roles from a distance. We eagerly await the time when we are able to resume on-site volunteer services and we look forward to welcoming all of our volunteers back in-person when it is safe to do so.

The theme of National Volunteer Week for 2021 is, “The Value of One, The Power of Many”. This theme represents the individual and collective efforts we have seen during the pandemic thus far and highlights the ‘power of many’ that enables us to thrive together.

For DRDH, volunteers continue to play an important role across many areas of the organization, even during these unprecedented times. Volunteers work with the Auxiliary in The Whistle Stop raising money for special projects and improvements. Volunteers also work tirelessly with the Foundation to raise awareness and funds to support major capital purchases. Furthermore, volunteers contribute in virtual Patient and Family Advisory Council meetings, providing a patient or resident perspective. Additionally, specially trained palliative volunteers support residents and patients not only at end of life, but all along the palliative journey.

In the early phases of the pandemic last year, volunteers also provided tremendous support with the sewing of cloth masks and other handmade items, as well as collecting and providing donations to help prepare for potential shortages in personal protective equipment.


Volunteers support all levels of the organization, including governance. The guidance and direction provided by our volunteer Board Members and Patient / Resident Representatives has been an integral part of navigating our health care organization through the COVID-19 pandemic.


“It is safe to say that we could not have achieved as much as we have over the last year without the unwavering dedication and support from our entire community of volunteers. There are so many selfless deeds and actions, done by so many, that it is difficult to name them individually,” said Janna Hotson, President and CEO. "It is also difficult to try and do justice to the big (and sometimes small) ways that so many volunteers in our community have offered a helping hand throughout the pandemic this year.”


Thank you to all volunteers at DRDH for the many ways you contribute to our organization and for the collective power of many volunteers that enables us to continue to thrive together. 

2021 volunteer week