
Visiting Restrictions in Effect due to Gastric Outbreak


Public Health has declared an outbreak of gastric illness on the Deep River and District Hospital’s medical floor as well as in the Four Seasons Lodge Long-Term Care. With a mix of staff, patients, residents, and visitors experiencing gastric symptoms, visiting restrictions have been put into effect to prevent further spread of the illness. Common symptoms of gastric illness include vomiting, diarrhea, nausea and fever.

Among other outbreak precautions put into effect, visiting has been restricted in an effort to contain the spread of illness, and to protect staff, patients and residents. All non-essential visitors (anyone other than those visiting critically ill or palliative patients/residents) will be asked to not visit until the outbreak is contained and visiting restrictions are re-evaluated.

The organization will continue to work with Public Health to track and monitor any cases of illness and will continue with precautions to limit the spread of illness. Once all symptoms have resolved for 48 hours, the outbreak can then be declared over.

Thank you to everyone for your cooperation in helping to keep our patients, residents, and staff free from illness.