
Stay Safe this Easter Weekend


The Deep River and District Hospital would like to wish everyone in our community a safe and enjoyable Easter weekend. Please remember to make adjustments to how you celebrate holidays and other occasions during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Staying home reduces the risk of contracting COVID-19, and reduces the risk of transmitting it to others. Even if you are feeling well, you can still transmit the virus to others for 14 days before you show any symptoms yourself. Everyone needs to practice social distancing of at least 2 meters to reduce exposure to other people.
When making plans for this weekend and beyond, please reconsider the types of activities you partake in, even if you are doing them alone. Avoid ‘extreme sports’, unnecessary drives, or other activities that may result in serious accident or injury. As the healthcare system cares for an increasing number of patients with COVID-19, preventable injuries or trauma may add additional strain on the system. For example, if you are in an ATV or car accident and need to be sent to a larger city hospital for care, the critical care resources at that hospital may already be in crisis.

Instead of getting together physically with friends and family this weekend, celebrate virtually. Please help us remind the Easter Bunny that egg hunts should be limited to your own space and household. We recognize that celebrations during this time may be difficult, but don’t risk spreading the virus to your loved ones, and to our entire community, this weekend.


easter bunny